
Steven Ekovich

Professor Emeritus of Political Science

  • Department: History and Politics

ProfessorEkovich is currently a professor in the International and Comparative Politics Department.泭He specializes and publishes on U.S. politics and foreign policy. Previously, he was associate professor at the cole Polytechnique (1984-2000). Ekovich also lectured and consulted abroad during this time, visiting almost 30 countries in Europe, Africa and Central Asia. In 1999-2000 Ekovich was the first American to participate in the 52nd National Session of the Institut des Hautes tudes de D矇fense Nationale (the French War College). He was also a consultant for both the Secr矇tariat G矇n矇ral de la D矇fense Nationale (the approximate equivalent of the U.S. National Security Council) and the French Ministry of Defense between 1992 and 1997.

While Ekovich has wide consulting experience, he has also had an extensive career in academics. He has been an associate professor at the Institut d'tudes Politiques de Paris, lecturer at the Institut Sup矇rieur dArmement et D矇fense at the University of Paris II, tutor at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1995-2001), guest lecturer at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne (2000), lecturer at the Institut dtudes Economiques et Sociales de lInstitut Catholique (1997-1999), the cole Normale Sup矇rieure de Cachan (1996-1998), the cole Militaire Saint-Cyr, and Hautes tudes Commerciales (HEC) in 1985-1992.泭 In 1990 he was a Senior Fulbright Professor at the Tunisian Foreign Ministry.泭


  • BA, MA, PhD, University of California, Irvine.


  • Washington Parigi: Alleate Riluttanti in the prestigious geopolitics journal of Italy Limes: Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica (No. 3, 2012).
  • 竄泭郭梗泭New START Treaty: un trait矇 n矇cessaire ou d矇pass矇 ?罈 in Revue D矇fense Nationale (juin 2012, no. 751).
  • Le Printemps Arabe, la Tunisie et les Etats-Unis in Proceedings of a conference in Tunis on La r矇volution tunisienne: d矇but dune nouvelle 癡re dans les pays arabes sponsored by the Fondation Temimi and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung en Tunisie (2012).
  • Les Etats-Unis et le Grand Maghreb in Proceedings of a conference in Zaghouan, Tunisia on Le Co羶喧 du Non-Maghreb, sponsored by the Fondation Temimi and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung en Tunisie (2012).
  • La D矇claration dInd矇pendence Am矇ricaine de 1776, in Rahim Kherad, ed. Les declarations unilat矇rales dind矇pendences, (Editions A. Pedone, Paris, 2012).
  • The Cold War and the Media: Lessons of America in Vietnam, published in The Ashgate Research Companion to War: Origins and Prevention, Hall Gardner and Oleg Kobzeff, eds. (Ashgate, 2012).
  • U.S. Israel relations, text of a presentation made at the French Senate on the topic of Israeli diplomacy: Israel lheure des revolutions arabes. (May 2012).
  • US Foreign Policy under President Obama and the Challenge of Pakistan in The Journal of Independent Studies and Research (Volume 9, Number 1, January, 2011).
  • Lesprit r矇volutionnaire et ses fondements philosophiques: lexemple am矇ricain de 1776 in LENA Hors les Murs (Septembre 2011, No. 414)
  • Published 竄New START Treaty: Trait矇 n矇cessaire ou ringard?罈 in Russie, o羅 vas-tu? (Actes du Colloque lAssembl矇e Nationale, 5 f矇vrier 2011).
  • February 10, a published version of the presentation made at the annual IFRI conference on the Untied States was made available at
  • Reporting the War in Vietnam: Challenging the Myth, in Security and the Military between Reality and Perception, Marjan Malesic and Gerhard K羹mmel, eds. (Nomos, 2011)
  • La Longue Dur矇e et La Politique trang癡re des tats-Unis in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (4e Trimestre 2010, No. 29).泭
  • Le Pakistan de Barack Obama in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (3e Trimestre, No. 28, 2010).泭
  • D矇mocratie, globalisation et production post-moderne, in D矇mocratisation et d矇veloppement durable au Maghreb et en Europe, sous la direction du Abdeljelil Temimi (Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et lInformation & la D矇l矇gation Wallonie-Bruxelles: Tunis, Juin 2010).
  • La Destruction Atomique dHiroshima et de Nagasaki: Incertitudes Historiques et Dilemmes thiques in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (1er Trimestre 2010, No. 26).
  • The Contradictions and Dilemmas of Self Amnesty in the Acts of the 11th Yearly Session of the International Summit on Transnational Crime organized by the Crans Montana Forum at the National Assembly of France, November 12 & 13, 2009.泭
  • Stosunki Kataru ze Stanami Zjednoczonymui a Polish translation of a chapter on U.S. foreign policy and Qatar in a collective work Pastwo Katar (Ibidem Lodz, 2009), edited by Robert A. Czulda.
  • The Culture of Democratic Public Administration and Military Culture in Western Balkans Security Observer (Year 4, No. 14 July-September 2009). Also published in Serbo-Croatian as Kultura demokratske javne uprave i vojna cultura.
  • European Integration and the United States: Shared Prosperity and Shared Crises in Political, Economic and Social Challenges of the Balkan Countries in the Process of European Integration (Epoka University Publication, 2009).泭
  • American Views of European Integration: A History in the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Economic Integrations, Competition and Cooperation held in Opatija, Croatia, May 2009
  • La Puissance Am矇ricaine: D矇clin ou Ajustement? in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (mai 2009, N簞 23)
  • Les Questions Soulev矇es par la Plan Obama in Constructif (Mars 2009, N簞 22). Also available in English.
  • Enjeux et Perspectives Politiques de lOSCE in LOSCE Trente Ans Apr癡s lActe de Helsinki, sous la direction de Emmanuel Decaux et Serge Sur (Editions A. Pedone, 2008).
  • D矇fense et s矇curit矇 des d矇mocraties occidentales: une vision am矇ricainein Europe de la d矇fense et opinion publique (CIDAN, 2008)
  • Prol矇gom癡nes toutes consid矇rations sur la s矇curit矇 en Mediterran矇e in EurOrient: La Mediterran矇e l矇preuve de la mondialisations (N簞 27, 2008)
  • 竄Options et Contraintes des tats-Unis face lIran罈 in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (janvier 2008 N簞 18
  • 竄Les ONG et la Politique trang癡re des tats-Unis罈 in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (avril 2007 - N簞 16
  • Avec Djamshid Assadi et Hall Gardner, 竄Table ronde: Vers une nouvelle politique am矇ricaine au Moyen Orient? 罈 in EurOrient: Le Levant Face son Destin (N簞 24, 2007)
  • 竄Les tats-Unis, lEurope et les crises au Moyen-Orient罈 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (f矇vrier 2007 - N簞 15).泭
  • 竄Les tats-Unis et la r矇forme de lONU: Id矇alisme et R矇alisme罈 in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (novembre 2006 - N簞 14).泭
  • 竄La Vision Am矇ricaine罈 in O羅 va lIran (ISN Publishing House: Fondation pour La Recherche Strat矇gique, 2006).
  • 竄La g矇osociologie de la diaspora arm矇nienne罈 in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (avril 2006 - N簞 12
  • 竄Nucl矇aire iranien: le dernier recours?罈 in Journal dIran, No. 8 (July-August 2006).
  • tats-Unis Iran: La longue qu礙te de valeurs et dint矇r礙ts communs罈 in 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (D矇cembre 2005 - N簞 10 Edition sp矇cial)
  • 竄Les impacts des relations diplomatiques franco-am矇ricaines sur le d矇veloppement de la d矇mocratie en Moyen-Orient: le cas du Liban罈 in Terre dislam en devenir: Moncratie ou d矇mocratie? (Eurorient 2005, No. 19)
  • 竄Une vision de la relation entre la France et les tats-Unis罈 in La Lettre Diplomatique (2005 No. 69)
  • 竄La formation de la nation am矇ricaine, son identit矇罈 in Actes du Colloque 竄France et Etats-Unis: Un avenir commun!罈 (ICES, 2005).泭
  • 竄Liberalisme et militarisme aux tats-Unis des origines l璽ge post-industriel罈 in Politique Am矇ricaine (no. 2, Et矇-Automne 2005)
  • 竄Campagnes l'Am矇ricaine罈 in Texte et Documents Pour la Classe (No. 889, February 2005).泭
  • Qui est John Kerry? (Editions Pepper, 2004)
  • Iran and New Threats in the Persian Gulf and Middle East in Orbis (the Foreign Policy Research Institute's quarterly journal of world affairs) Winter 2004, Volume 48, Number 1.
  • Avec A.S. Fatemi et J. Assadi GCC, an emerging power in the Persian Gulf? in Les p矇tro-dynasties du Golfe: Vrais ou faux dragons? (Eurorient 2004, No. 17).
  • La ville de New York: dune gestion corporatiste ferm矇e la d矇mocratie elective et au service public, in Regards Crois矇s sur New York (Editions du Temps, 2004)
  • Iran and the New Threats in the Persian Gulf and Middle East since 9/11 in NATO and the European Union, ed. Hall Gardner (Ashgate 2004)
  • "L'tat et le march矇 doivent travailler ensemble", in 泭嗨矇款梗紳莽梗 (septembre-octobre 2004, No. 112)
  • "Welfare and Personal Responsibility: The View from America," in Strategic Prospective (No. 19-20, September-December 2004), a publication of the Centre d'Etude et de Prospective Strat矇gique.
  • 竄George W. Bush: Vers une nouvelle politique 矇trang癡re罈, 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 (janvier 2001 - N簞 1,
  • George W. Bush: A New Foreign Policy for a New President?, Geostrategics (February 2001 N簞 1)
  • 竄L'tats-Unis et L'Allemagne: Une Longue Relation Profonde et Parfois Turbulente罈, 勞矇棗莽喧娶硃喧矇眶勳梁喝梗莽 ( f矇vrier 2001 - N簞 2),
  • Relations Between the United States and Germany: Deep and Troubled Waters, Geostrategics (March 2001 N簞 2)
  • 竄Les tats-Unis: de la d矇fense du lib矇ralisme au n矇cessaire lib矇ralisme de la d矇fense罈, Geostrategiques (avril 2001 - N簞 4 ),
  • Plus newspaper and news magazine articles.泭 Also frequently cited by French and American journalists.泭 Frequent political commentator on French radio and television. Frequent videoconferences with African political, government and opinion leaders. Papers delivered at numerous professional conferences.泭

Conferences & Lectures

Professional presentations and conferences
  • May 15, Made a presentation in Kiev on American Views of European Integration: An Overview for the Institute of Global Transformations, held at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Attending was the diplomatic corps stationed in Kiev as well as Ukrainian diplomats and researchers.
  • June 28 30 Participated in a conference (Addressing a Changing World!) in Baku, Azerbaijan organized by CransMontana Forum under the high patronage of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • July 11: Gave a presentation on The Role of the Military in the Tunisian Revolution at a conference under the auspices of the International Sociological Association (Research Committee on Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution). The presentation was part of a panel entitled Fragile and Conflict-affected Countries: New Approaches in Countering Vicious Cycles of Conflict. Held in Maribor, Slovenia.
  • September 12 gave a talk on National Politics, Economic Policy and Successful Entrepreneurship at a conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The conference was under the high patronage of the President of Uzbekistan.
  • September 27 29 Participated in a conference in Zaghouan, Tunisia, on Le co羶喧 du non-Magreb. Gave a paper on the United States and the Grand Maghreb (published in the Proceedings).泭
  • October 22 participated in a closed conference on Mali and the Sahel organized by the French Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Embassy in Paris. In attendance were U.S., French and African ambassadors and diplomats from the region as well as African defense attach矇s and U.S. generals from Africa Command in Stuttgart.
  • November 30 presented a paper on the role of the military in the Tunisian revolution at a conference in Copenhagen. A conference on The Development of the State: Civil-Military Institutions hosted by the Centre for Military Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen.
  • February 12-16 participated in the Forum de Bamako on Crisis of the State, Conflicts and National Reconciliation. The only American invited to participate. Other participants included the current Malian Prime Minister, previous prime ministers and foreign ministers, as well as those from other ministries, and ministers from neighboring countries. Local elected officials were also there, for example the deputy mayors of Timbuktu, Gao and Bourem. Also present were high-ranking military officers, political party leaders, current and former diplomats (including the French and American ambassadors), as well as leaders of civil society. The first two days of the forum were dedicated to the role of women, attended mostly by Malian women, but also by their West African colleagues in government and civil society positions of leadership. Anthropologists and researchers in political and social sciences were also invited.
  • April 5-7 made a presentation The Role of the Media in the Tunisian Revolution at a conference on Liberty and Human Rights at Cairo University
  • April 12 Presented my work on the Role of the Military in the Tunisian Revolution at a conference in Tunis on La transition d矇mocratique au Maghreb: tat et perspectives Collected additional research on the topic.
Public presentations and lectures
  • August 28 September 1 Gave a series of lectures in Niamey, Niger on the U.S. presidential election. Met with political party leaders and civil society leaders in order to compare and contrast Nigerien elections with American elections. Appeared on Nigerien radio and television. Met with university colleagues, researchers and students.
  • September 2 6 Gave a series of lectures in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on the U.S. presidential election. Met with political party leaders and civil society leaders in order to compare and contrast Burkinab矇 elections with American elections. Met with diplomats. Appeared on radio and television. Met with university colleagues, researchers and students.
  • September 20 gave a videoconference from the U.S. Embassy in Paris on the U.S. elections with journalists, students, political leaders, civil society leaders in Bamako, Mali.
  • October 4 gave a talk to the Rotary Club of Fontainebleau on the U.S. elections.


Faculty sponsor of Student Veterans Association

Research Areas

Engaged in research on the revolution in Tunisia

Curriculum Vitae