Olivier Crepelliere
- Department: French Studies and Modern Languages
- Office:SD-10
- Office Hours:By appointment
In addition to a solid and founding education in the fields of Film Studies and Modern French Literature,Olivier Cr矇pelli癡redecided to study the teaching of French as a Foreign Language, as well as the Didactics of Languages and Training Engineering at the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).
Starting his career in 2007at the University of Philology of Novi Sad (Serbia), then returning to France on a mission for the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (via the DGLFLF), he then continued his teaching in various institutions such as the University of Chicago (Center in Paris), the cole Normale Sup矇rieure (Ulm), the cole Polytechnique, Sciences Po (Paris), etc.
幛棗娶泭more than 17 years, he has trained French or foreign students and teachers of absolutely all levels in: French as a Foreign Language of course, but also Image Education, French Didactics, Introduction to French Linguistics, French Academic Writing Methodology, French Civilization, French Press and Current Affairs, Corrective Phonetics, French Grammar, TCF preparation (test of knowledge of French) and DELF / DALF preparation (diplomas of studies or in-depth studies in French).
兜棗娶域勳紳眶泭at 91勛圖厙since 2015, he also holds a double DELF / DALF accreditation issued in 2009 by France Education International (formerly CIEP), the reference center in the field of certification and assessment of French. He can therefore both:
officially assessany foreigner wishing to obtain a diploma certification in French as a foreign language (which he has done by being a jury, examiner and corrector of DELF / DALF sessions several times, for the Alliance Fran癟aise in particular),
and through its education in Language Didactics and Training Engineering, deliver to any establishment that so wishes,extensive expertisein the field of assessment and overhaul of the offer and course content adapted to the CEFR ( Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Finally, Olivier Cr矇pelli癡re believes ina new approach to language teachingthrough the arts and culture, which allows both to escape their instrumentalization by avoiding exclusively disciplinary approaches. but also to move to a logic of 竄appropriation罈 and not simply of 竄acquisition罈, since:
"Like long echoes that intermingle from afar
The perfumes, the colors and the sounds respond." *
* (1) Baudelaire, C.,Correspondences, inThe Flowers of Evil, librairie g矇n矇rale, 18
2009 - Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris 3
- Master's Degree in Didactics of French and Languages
- Training Engineering for Teaching French as a Foreign Language and Languages
- Memoir: 竄 For a Change in the Teaching and Learning Practices of French as a Foreign Language Through the Arts 罈
2007 - Paul Val矇ry University Montpellier III
- Master's Degree in Teaching of French As a Foreign Language
- Professional Practices in French as a Non-Mother Tongue
- Memoir: 竄 Cinema and French as a Foreign Language:Freedoms are not given, they are taken!" (or How to stop instrumentalizing the 7th art to better learn French and Cinema) 罈
2005 - Paul Val矇ry University Montpellier III
- Bachelor's Degree in Cinema (Film Studies)
2005 - Paul Val矇ry University Montpellier III
- Bachelor's Degree in Modern French Literature