
Fouad Mlih

Assistant Professor

  • Department: French Studies and Modern Languages
  • Office: 
  • Office Hours: 
    By appointment (Mondays and Thursdays)

Professeur agr矇g矇 (highest national education exam in the French Public system) and泭Ma簾tre de conf矇rences泭in Universit矇 de Lorraine, Fouad Mlih has taught Arabic language and literature for more than 10 years in Sorbonne University before joining Universit矇 de Lorraine.

He's been teaching Arabic in 91勛圖厙since 2007 in both undergraduate and graduate programs.

His research focuses today in Arabic philosophy and its links with the knowledge of泭域硃梭櫻鳥泭(theology) and the realm of泭adab泭(literature and sciences).


  • PhD (2014) : 竄 Le Kitb al-硃餃硃梭 dAvicenne : un trait矇 de th矇ologie philosophique ? Pr矇sentation, traduction et commentaire du Livre I 罈, EPHE (cole Pratique des Hautes tudes)
  • Agregation, highest national education exam
  • MA (Maitrise) University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne
  • BA (Licence) University of Paris VIII ; Jussieu Diderot Paris VII


  • on-going publication : Le泭Kitb al-硃餃硃梭泭dIbn S蘋n, traduction et commentaire du Livre I, 矇ditions Vrin
  • 竄泭Larabe, langue du monde泭罈, table ronde organis矇e par la revue泭Orient XXI,泭lecture at Maghreb des Livres, paris, February 2020
  • 竄泭Une image des dialecticiens et des th矇ologiens dans leKitb al-硃餃硃梭dIbn S蘋n泭罈, colloque Soci矇t矇 Internationale dHistoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques (S.泭I.泭H.泭S.泭P.泭A.泭I.) Science, philosophy and泭域硃梭櫻鳥泭in Islamic civilisation泭:the old and the new, Naples, september 2019
  • 竄泭硃餃硃梭泭philosophique, dialectique des th矇ologiens泭: lintervention avicennienne泭罈 (Universit矇 Lyon III, Facult矇 des Langues, January 2018)
  • Kullo Tamam, palier 1, Delagrave, Paris, 2006
  • Kullo Tamam, palier 2, Delagrave, Paris, 2007
  • Yawmiyyat Choubchoub, Manuel de Primaire, Beirut, 2006-2006-8


  • Member of the Soci矇t矇 Internationale dHistoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques (S.泭I.泭H.泭S.泭P.泭A.泭I.)
  • Member of the CERMOM, Centre de Recherches Moyen-Orient M矇diterran矇e, INALCO (EA4091), axes 竄泭Relecture de lh矇ritage classique泭罈 et 竄泭Langues et linguistique泭罈
  • Member of the Hiscant-MA, Histoire et Cultures de lAntiquit矇 et du Moyen ge, Universit矇 de Lorraine (EA 1132), axes 竄泭Philologie, litt矇rature et philosophie泭罈 et 竄泭Traditions et r矇ceptions antiques et post-antiques des cultures m矇diterran矇ennes泭罈

Research Areas

Classical Arabic Literature,泭adab, kalm, islamology, philosophy, dialectics, Arabic Thought