
91Թgraduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

Fashion Talks

Kim Hou: About a Worker

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - 18:30 to 19:30

Fashion Talks at 91Թ2021/22 presents the series: Between Consumption, Criticism, and Activism.

ThePower ofInclusivity andSelf-Expression in theFashionIndustry.

Kim’s talk is part ofthis year'sFashion Talks at AUPԳپٱ:Between Consumption, Criticism and Activism– organized by ProfessorRenate Staussand ProfessorSophie Kurkdjian(Fashion Studies,Department of Communication, Media and Culture).

AboutKim Hou /:

Kim Hou is the co-founder and creative director of ABOUT A WORKER, which started as hergraduation project for the Design Academy of Eindhoven.Together with Paul Boulenger she began to build ABOUT A WORKER as apractical social & creative systemin 2017.

ABOUT A WORKER is a fashion laboratory believing in redressing the industry issues through a constant discussion between workers, consumers and the fashion elite.Until now, production, creation and consumptionhave been separated in many hierarchical bubbles. Due to the lack of communication between each entity, the fashion word has been neglected environmentally and ethically.Through a design curriculum happening within a dedicated time, ABOUT A WORKER gives to the unheard craftsmen of the XXI century, the opportunity to grow, express their vision of the industry, by the creation of functional and meaningful products designed and made by them .

ABOUT A WORKER paves the way for inclusive systems, by giving workers the chance to be heard and use design as an universal language.

A recording of, "ThePower ofInclusivity andSelf-Expression in theFashionIndustry" will be made available shortly following the event.


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