An importantpartof AUPs pedagogical approach involves taking a career-centric view of assessment. Alongside written essays and traditional examinations, professors are encouraged to develop innovative assignments that combine academic rigor with professional skillsdevelopment.泭One example comes fromProfessor OlegKobtzeff, whoteachespolitics,geography and environmentalstudies.泭He created a geographic magazine,Nature and Cultures, whichencourages student contributions and is tiedintothe assessment process forseveral of his classes.泭
Nature and Cultureshas existed for several yearsas a website and has produced twofullissues.泭It covers topics related to both physical and human geography, as well as current events.泭Alongside republished articles from third-party sources, the magazine encourages contributions from academics at all levels. Student contributors, who often submit edited versions of their classwork,haveanextraincentive to publishtheir academic effortsin a journalistic context,asitallows them toexperience theediting processfirsthand.泭
AUPs diverse community is particularly well suited for a geographic magazine. I also want students to talk about themselves and where they are from, explainsKobtzeff. Their personal experiences in their own cultures. Recent contributions from students have includedan article about, an ancientNorth Italian language, and another about the.泭
During Spring semester 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic causedAUPto switch to remote learning,Kobtzeffsaw an opportunity to revitalizeNature and Culturesbytyingit more closely into assessment:I had the idea that staying at home would be an opportunity to drop the traditional term papersand tocome up withsome innovative projects to relaunchthe magazine.The first of these initiativesis named the.泭StudentsinKobtzeffsComparative Politics classbegancompilingalist of thedemocratic governmentsof the worldin order to create a comparative database. Each student was given several countries toresearch andproduced awrite-upconsisting of keypolitical information such as the structure of the various branches of government,how legislatorsareelected, or which powers various legislators havea mandate toenact.泭
The outcome is that students come out of this completely familiar with primary sources on the structures of government, explainsKobtzeff.泭Students conduct independent research, visiting official government websitesto find thenecessary information.泭Theyarealsoencouraged to interview a diplomat or embassy official as part of theprocess andcan also bring in secondary sources.泭Kobtzeffsees theprocesscontinuingin subsequent years until every democratic country is representedin the database, completing a valuable resource for future students studyingComparativePolitics.泭
The second initiative tiesintoKobtzeffsWaters of the Globe class. A new website,, was createdto act as a resource base, online library and forum for students studying water systems.泭Students populated the website with crowdsourcedresourcesfrom across the internet. Thewebsite wasdevelopedby a student as his finalclassproject.泭LikeNature and Cultures, this new website hosts student contributions,in this casefocused on hydropolitics,orthe geopolitics of aquatic environments.泭One recent student contributiontacklesthe.泭
Nature and Culturesaddsto AUPs already rich library of academic publications,whilealso providingan engaging, original form ofclassassessment that is well adapted to remote learning.泭Kobtzeffhopes that renewed interest in the magazinewill mean the imminent publication of a new issue.泭The magazine is looking for contributions from students, faculty and third-party contributors .泭