
91勛圖厙graduation ceremony at the Th矇璽tre du Ch璽telet in Paris.


Data Science Town Hall: Gathering Students' Ideas

This is a virtual event. Registration is required.
Thursday, March 4, 2021 - 18:30

The Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science together with students leaders from across the institution are organizing a town hall discussion to move towards creating an interdisciplinary liberal arts data science curriculum at AUP. Student input is crucial to give shape to these ideas.

Although data science is often implemented to respond to the demand of the job market, the department and students would like to work towards an academic approach that engages students ethically and intellectually by probing data science practices within critical frameworks encompassing the variability of methodologies, cultures, and disciplines. Through this new curriculum they also hope to give voice to students to accurately share their ideas and finding to create change in the world.

They are interested in student perspectives on the following:

  • What is data science from your perspective?
  • How could data science contribute and relate to your professional and intellectual growth, regardless of professional discipline?
  • How could data science impact disciplines and areas of study/research/civic engagement you are involved in?
  • What ethical issues and methodological challenges are posed by data science?
  • What are your thoughts on the data science content in the existing 91勛圖厙curriculum?
  • How could data science be (gradually) integrated within relevant programs at AUP?

No presentation is neededin order toparticipateto the town hall. Students whowould like to doa 3-minute presentation answeringone or multiple questionscan email Jackson Vann ata100922ataup.edu.