
91勛圖厙graduation ceremony at the Th矇璽tre du Ch璽telet in Paris.

Media, Comms, Global Change (MCGC)

Platform labor: from 'digital labor' to 'labor publics'

University Room: David T. McGovern Grand Salon (C-104)
Friday, April 20, 2018 - 09:00 to 12:00

Come along for part twoof the Civic Media Lab Seminar Series 'Platform Swindles, Platform Struggles.' The series of conferences will bring together web professionals, platform managers, workers and users, associative activists, students, and researchers.

In the second part of the seminar series, Alessandro Gandiniof King's College London and Dafni Mangalousi of the University of Leicester, willspeak with Prof. Jayson Harsinon the topic of 'Platform labor: from 'digital labor' to 'labor publics'.'

In seminar one, Prof. Waddick Doyle will be joined by Brice Nixon of the University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication, and Iain Riddell of the University of Leicesterto explore the theme of:'From theories of digital/audience labour to digital class struggle: applications of critical research on the communication and culture industries.' Find out more about that event here.

ALL WELCOME. Please register at least 48h in advance, by sending an email to amizrahiataup.edu