Ben Olander with Jessica Feldman (Communication, Media, and Culture),Media Digitization Project
The Media Digitization Project harnessed new digital tools and technologies in an effort to digitize historical and deteriorating 8mm and 16mm film at an unprecedented quality, in ascaleablemanner and at an affordable cost. Using new larger format camera sensors,low costdedicated Machine Learning (ML)/Artificial Intelligence (AI) processing hardware andcustom builtsoftware for quality assurance, automation and restoration, this film digitization project can be a powerful tool for preserving priceless visual testimony of 20th century life. The existence of an ad hoc global collection of amateur, and independent film (shot in 8mm and 16mm) has been a critical component of the development of civic society in the 20th century, and it is currently under threat of vanishing due to the decomposition of celluloid materials used in film-making, or the extremelylow qualityVHS transfers done in the past. While there are currently options for digitizing many of these works, they are often low-quality, simply swap one degrading media format for another, or are excessively expensive. There is a critical need forlow cost, high qualitydigitization of these irreplaceable historical and cultural documents before the underlyingcelluloid basedmedia dissolves permanently. This projectprotoypednewlow costhardware options, and paired them with new ML/AI Machine Vision software solutions to radically lower the barrier of entry, and dramatically increase the quality of preserved film media.泭泭